Thursday, July 19, 2007

Howl Havoc and Let slip the Practice

A podcast practice file. Its best if you DON'T listen to it.

Fun isn't it


commando librarian said...

Hey, Dan. I finally did get to podcast though it wasn't the original assignment and I have to figure out what I did wrong as far as the URL code on my blog. But I am most definitely psyched! You did great just by the fact that you got it right on the first try! Kudos to you! YEEHAW!

Debbie's RUSSL Page said...

I agree 1000% about the necessity of context. In teaching my subjects(Study Skills, Library Skills and Technology Skills) to middle schoolers I am limited by the curriculum guides. I would love to be able just to co-teach for a time with subject teachers instead of having the kids in stand alone classes. I need to be able to teach the students when they need to know something rather than when the book says I am supposed to teach the topic.
