Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Kennelship Down

I was thinking as I read Lyn's Blog:

As the gatekeepers to information, libraries need to learn about Web 2.0 and the new social software programs that are coming out in order to be able to teach their patrons what is happening and how to use this new kind of information.

Are we perhaps over romanticizing our power and position in libraries? I mean sure we provide a valuable support role for others but are we really "gate keepers of information?" Perhaps we're putting too much pressure on our careers and ourselves. I think libraries are important but are they THAT important?

It brings to mind something Librarian/Runner/Mets Fan/Mom said:

There isno advantage to be gained in bemoaningthe fact that 21st Century
librariansneed to learn to use these new tools.Instead of misplacing energy
intoromanticizing a bygone era, it ismuch more productive to embraceour new toys
and dive into thepool of the future.

Perhaps as is said here we're misplacing our energies a bit and we are on our concentrating on the negatives of technology and haphazard implementation. Maybe by thinking to well of us we're diverting valuable energy and being a little too prideful. It’s just a thought really.

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