Sunday, July 15, 2007

One flew over the dog house

So for class I read the Brown article Limits to Information while reading it i couldn't help but think... and this is news how?

I mean is anyone surprised that the idealists and the theorists are wrong? the point of such theorists isn't to be right its to expound upon ideas. We then take those ideas and see what we like and dislike and use it as a social mirror. Rarely however do these things come about.

Do we really want the federal government to shrink and disappear? Do we want corporations and private firms to become smaller and more compact? Do we really want all information accessible and integrated. A few wills stay yes but most of society is less sure and for good reasons. Things like government have existed for so long, despite changing in many ways not only by adjusting to new events and technologies but also because people like the benefits of centralized authority or can support them. People like privacy too in many ways and it gives rise to serious concerns these days that it is so easy to loose. Very few people are comfortable with the idea of "if everyone watches then everyone will be free" as a concept.

but we should hear those ideas and see if we want them and see where they take us. Generally human society is remarkably adaptable and also remarkably stable. We self regulate, all people, and we always have. people give governments power as Locke pointed out under a social contract. Les Fairre economies and capitalism assumes a marketplace of ideas, goods and services. People will choose in the end the superior product. these ideas have with some caveats proved correct and they apply as much tot he information revolution as anywhere else. We integrate the technologies the technology does not integrate us.

So lets see what happens. Tings will change and we are still adjusting and there will be upheaval in many places but we should also have an open mind and not expect overnighting to change over nright or end or be destroyed. At least that is what the data tells me


Steve said...

Hi Dan,

Don't mind me, I'm just trying to add a comment here as a test.


Barking Librarian said...

ah i see but the question is how to make a chain of commentary...

slgc said...

An open mind is definitely key. As Raine pointed out, things are changing, and will continue to change. We need to be open to evaluating, and re-evaluating.

Anonymous said...

I think right now privacy is a huge concern in the digital world. I think there is a lot of work to be done in this area.

Library 2.0 said...

I agree with Dan that we just have to wait out all these changes. The difference with the current "prophets" is that they think this has never happened before.